Gaining Weight? Revealed 5 Hidden Reasons Behind Unintentional Weight Gain

A healthy diet and regular exercise are two important factors that can affect your body weight. To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. If you want to lose weight here are some hidden factors you must keep in mind to lose weight effectively.

Image result for Gaining Weight?

The Fat Belly Fix

Are you gaining weight day by day? A healthy diet and regular exercise are two important factors that can affect your body weight. Apart from these two, there are many possible reasons behind weight gain. You might not know there are many hidden factors which can be some unexplained factors behind weight gain. Even if you are trying to lose weight you must keep a check on such factors that can affect your weight loss process. To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. Effective weight loss requires several changes in lifestyle. Here are some hidden factors which can contribute to unintentionally weight gain.

Factors which can lead to unintentional weight gain

1. Stress

Stress is quite common these days. There can be endless factors that can contribute to stress including work pressure, deadlines, strict routines and many more. Stress affects various hormones which can contribute to weight gain. Stress can also make you eat more and contribute to unwanted calories. You should try methods which can help you manage stress.

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2. Wrong portion size

Portion size plays an important role in weight management. If you are trying to lose weight you must know the number of calories you have to consume per meal. Even if you are following a diet to lose weight but consuming more calories than required per meal then you may not lose weight. You need to be very careful about the number of calories you are consuming per meal.
Image result for 2. Wrong portion size

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3. You are not sleeping enough or sleeping too much

Your sleeping pattern can also affect many factors and processes inside your body. You may gain weight if you are sleeping too less or too much. A fixed sleeping pattern with 7-8 hours of sleep can help you maintain a healthy weight. When you sleep too less or too much you are more likely to consume more calories than required.

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4. Not enjoying your meal

Most people do not enjoy their meal which does not give them satisfaction. Enjoying your meal can give you more satisfaction and give you the feeling of fullness. Even if you are on a diet you must enjoy your meal for better satisfaction. It will stop your desire to eat more.
Image result for Weight gain: Enjoy your meal to avoid overeating Photo Credit: iStock
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5. Certain medication

Few medications can also contribute to weight gain. Anti-depressant, steroids or birth control pills are some medications which can have weight gain as a side effect. But this is not the only factor and it can also vary from person to person. Therefore, you should not make any changes in your medication without your doctor's consultation.

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 Also read:  The Fat Belly Fix

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